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Общеотраслевые обзоры заработных плат и компенсаций

Исследования на заказ


04.05.2009 Compensation costs in private industry in USA up 1.9 percent from March 2008 to March 2009

In private industry, compensation costs rose 1.9 percent in the year ended March 2009, significantly less than the increase for the year ended March 2008, which was 3.2 percent.

Private industry wages and salaries decelerated to a 2.0-percent increase for the year ended March 2009. In March 2008, the increase in wages and salaries was 3.2 percent.

Benefit costs increased 1.6 percent for the 12-month period ended March 2009. For the year ended March 2008, the increase in benefit costs was 3.2 percent.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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